About Us

Metisphere was founded by 2 Salesforce Architects who wanted to build a better and more inclusive way of implementing Salesforce solutions for businesses. With a customer centric approach, Metisphere focuses on building a personal and trustworthy relationship with their customers and delivering solutions that will help drive their business.

We are passionate about meeting new people and Businesses and understanding who they are and what they are trying to achieve. We can help by offering and providing services and knowledge that can help our Customers get closer to achieving their Company Mission with Salesforce.


Challenging The Consulting Status Quo


Personal Team

Having a small delivery team means that we can continue to give our Customers a personal experience with dedicated support.

Customer Centred

Customers are at the heart of what we do. We design and build solutions with our customers and keep them involved with every step of the project.

Employee Focused

We want our team to feel like human beings and not just a number. We pride ourselves on being an ethical employer with a transparent, open and honest approach.

One Planet

We are conscious of our carbon footprint and that is why we are passionate about reducing our impact on the planet, including carbon offsetting with Ecologi.





We are fully committed to all our projects and customers. We want to develop meaningful relationships with our Customers and Employees, by being loyal and honest with our recommendations and advice we hope to build a trustworthy relationship.


Being person centric we highly encourage our employees to motivate each other and to get involved. By encouraging each other to support and progress ideas and initiatives we are expanding our knowledge and creating an inclusive environment.


We plan for success at the start of all our Projects to mitigate risk, however sometimes an unforeseen spanner can be thrown in the works! During these times we won't simply get up and run away, rather we adapt to the situation and work with you to resolve the problem.


When we embark on a journey with our Customers and Employees we do it together. Everyone has a role to play and all are equally important, therefore we ensure all parties are involved and valued.


The Myth Behind The Name


Creating a company name is always challenging, trying to come up with something that is unique but has a meaning was very important to us. We explored lots of different options and it always came back to one theme which was providing good counsel, being Consultants means it's part of the job! With our love of mythology and stories we looked at various tales and came across the Greek Titan-Goddess, Metis.

Metis was the Greek Titan-Goddess of wisdom, cunning, planning and good counsel. Metis was the counsellor of Zeus during the Titan wars and devised a cunning plan to trick Kronos into regurgitating his devoured children; Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus later fearful of a prophecy which stated the children of Metis would overthrow him, tricked Metis and turned her into a fly and swallowed her whole! Metis with her cunning, bore a child within the belly of Zeus and crafted armour for the child. The forging of the armour gave Zeus unbearable headaches until he could take it no longer and with an axe split open his head and out came clad in the armour fashioned by Metis was Athena the goddess of war, handicraft and wisdom!

The "sphere" part of Metisphere is to symbolise welcoming all those who engage with us into our circle of wisdom and council and to be included as equals. This was important for us to symbolise as going into projects and implementations can be daunting and we want our Customers to know that we are in this together as a team and all thoughts, council and wisdom can be shared without scrutiny and with open mindedness.